Rehab Direct Case Managers - Claire Gardner
Meet Our Case Managers

Claire Gardner


Key Skills

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Multiple and complex trauma

Assessment, planning and delivery of bespoke rehabilitation programmes for people with multiple and complex trauma e.g. visceral damage and neurological deficit.

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Persistent pain and functional restoration

Assessment, planning and delivery of bespoke rehabilitation programmes for people with long-term persistent/chronic pain problems e.g. CRPS, fibromyalgia and FND.

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Neurological disorders and injuries

Rehabilitation programmes designed to help those with diseases, injuries or disorders of the nervous system.


Claire qualified as a chartered physiotherapist in 2004 and completed junior and senior rotations specialising in musculoskeletal disorders, orthopaedics, domiciliary and neurology at North Warwickshire and Birmingham NHS Trusts.  She has expertise in both rehabilitation and case management and completed a diploma in orthopaedic medicine at Middlesbrough University.

Claire spent some time working in New Zealand treating patients during acute and chronic post-injury, alongside degenerative musculoskeletal injuries. Claire has worked in complex case management since 2014, regularly performing immediate needs assessments (INAs) and ongoing case management. 

Ages treated: adults 18+ 

Claire is registered with: 

  • Health Care Professions Council (PH70833)
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
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